But in today's busy life we neglect ourselves
and we take supplements as another option.
So question is dietary supplements are good or bad for health.
Let's see first.
What is supplements?
Supplements is the manufactured product which are taken to complete daily diet.
Dietary supplements taken by mouth as a capsule,tablet,pills, liquid.
Dietary supplements can provide nutrition to the body
The nutrienl,fiber,fatty acid,amino acid,it helpful to the complete daily diet.
Types of supplements
- protein supplements
Protein supplements is a manufacturer product by the it's help get protein to the body for gaining muscles.
Weight gainers.
Weight Gainers supplements helps to gain weight .
The weight gainer supplement contain carbohydrates,protein,and digestive enzymes.
Fat cutter(fat burner)
Fat cutter supplements helps to reduced weight.
Fat cutter supplements contain caffeine, L-carnitine,green tea,conjugated lenoleic acid,
Forskoline and raspberry ketone.
If the weight lose or weight is higher doctor suggest you supplements.
If someone wants to reduced weight and someone wants to increase weight.you think getting supplements after all the matter
So the supplements is better to the health or not.
These supplements are good for health but you have to take some care before buy the supplements.
-you have to buy good quality supplements.
So I want to tell you that the good quality supplements can not meet at cheap rates.
If you buy cheap rates supplements it not affecting like other good quality supplements.
-If you have purchase supplements.
Then you take this supplements in enough amount taking large amount of this supplements is not good for health.
- if your taking a regular supplements and your not exercising the supplements not show their effect .
If you are take this supplements you will have to take your diet propped.
If you ignore the diet the supplement not show their effect.
-For begginers.
Begginers do not take the supplement like whey protein,creatine,PCA,
The begginers digestive system is not ready for the taking this types of supplements there kidney will be not ready to filtrate this types of supplements.
After completing a two or three months of training it's ready for taking this types of supplements.
-Exposed fake supplements..
If you want to buy original supplements how to know the supplements is original or not.
-duplicate supplements have a lot of side effect.
-You have to check product seal because duplicate product seal is very cheap and original product seal is premium.
-You will need to check the the certificate of supplement company you are taking
-Duplicate supplement packaging are not good so you recognised it
Thank you.....