India and  Nepal have very close relationship no other countries relationship like Nepal and India.Indians and nepalis can go to each other's country withouts passport and visa.and work in each other's country.

But over the last few days relationship between India and Nepal have not been good.The prime minister of Nepal said that the India is responsible for the spread of covid-19' in Nepal.
Nepal prime minister says India is trying to enter border of Nepal.

So question is India or Nepal who is right.

The controversy come up in Indian media when Nepal made their new map and showed area in that map which area under in India.
This new map prepared by Nepal this is being discussed in India.

•This controversy start with two events .

1 )Thecontroversy start when the modi government created a new map of India with kala pani in this area.
This step of modi government angered the nepals government.

2)India defense minister constructed a road of 80 km length.this road is passes through the border dispute area to lipo-lack.

Defense minister says the purpose of building of this road was beneficial to the pilgrims going to kailas mansarovar.

The government of Nepal was upset after the construction of this road.the nepalis government said that India should have talk with Nepal to build the road.

Response of this indian ministry of external affairs says this area is belongs to India and we have build road in India.
On 15 may 2020 there was agitation in Nepal against this.
Indian defense minister said that China was behind  Nepals move so this controversy escalated.

Let's see history of this border.

When India is ruled by British.

At that time, the British were trying to capture Nepal.
But there was kingdom in Nepal
(Kingdom of gorkha)
Kingdom of gorakha (Nepal)

The battle battle between kingdom of gorkha and British called as englo British war.the battle took place between 1814 to 1816.
After all this the treaty was signed between nepals kingdom of gorkha and british.
According to this treaty Nepal ceded Sikkim and darjiling to the British.and eastern border of Nepal will be mahakali river and Western border of Nepal will be mechhi river.
That border is remains same today.

•So who is the right India or nepal.

The area showed in this map.this area is dispute area between India and Nepal.

In practical terms India is right because this border remains same since kingdom of gorkha and british.british and kingdom of gorkha using same border.
All of sudden after 100 years Nepal came to know this border is ours so practically India is Right.

Thank you....

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